Sabtu, 23 Februari 2019

BeLL Wallet


The blockchain is a clearly speedy advancement – the brainchild of an individual or social occasion of people known by the moniker, Nakamoto. Regardless, starting now and into the foreseeable future, it has formed into something progressively noticeable, and the essential request everybody is asking is: What is Blockchain?

By empowering mechanized information to be passed on yet not copied, blockchain advancement made the establishment of another kind of web. At first figured for the electronic money, Bitcoin, (Buy Bitcoin) the tech arrange is as of now finding other potential uses for the advancement.

Bitcoin has been assigned "propelled gold," and for legitimate defence. To date, the total estimation of the cash is close $112 billion US. Moreover, blockchains can make diverse sorts of cutting edge regard. Like the web (or your vehicle), you don't need to know how the blockchain endeavours to use it. In any case, having fundamental learning of this new advancement exhibits why it's seen as dynamic. Thusly, I believe you value this before proceeding.

"An enormous number of people utilize cryptographic cash wallets, anyway there is critical misconceiving about how they work. Not at all like standard 'stash' wallets, mechanized wallets don't store money. Honestly, financial principles don't escape in any single territory or exist wherever in any physical structure. All that exists are records of trades secured on the blockchain.

Computerized money wallets are customizing programs that store your open and private keys and interface with various blockchain so customers can screen their equality, send money and lead diverse errands. Right when an individual sends you bitcoins or some other kind of automated cash, they are essentially shutting down duty regarding coins to your wallet's area.

To in all probability spend those coins and open the assets, the private key set away in your wallet must match the all-inclusive community address the cash is delegated to. If general society and private keys facilitate, the evening out in your mechanized wallet will augment, and the senders will reduce in like way. There is no genuine exchange of veritable coins. The trade is implied just by a trade record on the blockchain and a change in evening out in your advanced cash wallet."

Everything considered Bell Wallet stands undauntedly in the help of cash related chance and the opportunity that Bitcoin offers extensively to anyone to persistently appreciate a permissionless.

What precisely is BeLL Wallet?

BeLL Wallet makes the last type of 'wallet' which oversees assets in a way that is 100% secure. BeLL Wallet expects to be 'the most helpful and secure wallet on the planet.' BeLL Wallet makes ceaseless updates on its highlights:
Wallet with Insurance Features
Utilization of Bell Tokens
Joint Ownership of Wallet
Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
Resource Transfer Protocol
Unique Token Issuance
To furnish BeLLCoin holders with the absolute greatest advantages of blockchain innovation including DLT (dispersed record innovation) and P2P self-sufficient system in their regular day to day existences, BeLL Wallet thought of the arrangement of building up the BeLL DEX that the general public acknowledges, offering its benefit to every one of the members.
To build up the DEX that BeLLCoin holders appreciate
To give client support by all BeLLCoin holders
To set up the genuinely decentralized society with all BeLLCoin holders
The over three are central approaches of BeLL and by joining these three, BeLL Wallet continues building up the authentic DEX that clients truly appreciate.

The Features of BeLL Wallet


BeLL Wallet is a DEX, protected wallet. When you can't get to your wallet in a circumstance like overlooking or losing your secret key, the insurance will cover this circumstance. And every one of your assets will be come back to you. BeLL Wallet empowers you to evade this hazard and guarantees that your assets are securely ensured in the wallet.

Joint Ownership

In BeLL Wallet, there is a choice to have joint possession in a solitary record. In this setting, to pull back your assets, it requires to get checked from every endorsed client you alloted. On the off chance that a corporate body oversees cryptographic money assets, one individual' s choice can permit advances of assets when all is said in done computerized wallets and trade accounts, which conveys different dangers.

Consistent Transition of Assets

Wallet proprietors can set up their wallet with determined conditions. For instance, when something sudden happens to the wallet proprietor, various affirmed clients, for example, relatives, friends and family or partners, can get to the wallet for the benefit of the fundamental proprietor.


BeLL wallet is a decentralized wallet which is safeguarded against loss of assets in a situation where you can't get to your wallet for reasons unknown.
Obligatory Requirements with respect to Insurance:
Twitter, Telegram and Facebook accounts are essential while making a BeLL Wallet account. An immediate message from all record must be sent to check your character while applying for the BeLL Wallet insurance inclusion.
Picture confirmation is required. Kindly transfer a picture when you make a BeLL Wallet account. A similar picture must be transferred each time you apply for the BeLL Wallet insurance inclusion.

Insurance Fees

This sum will be naturally deducted on the primary day of every month.
Assets Under $ 100,000
100LL or 0.05ETH/month
Assets Under $ 500,000
500BLL or 0.3ETH/month
Assets Under $ 1,000,000
1,000BLL or 0.7ETH/month

BeLL Tokenomics

BeLL platform works a tokenized biological community. The official token has the ticker "BeL"L. The absolute supply of BeLL tokens is 100,000,000 and 30% of that will be set available to be purchased amid the ICO while 20% has been assigned to airdrops and abundance programs.

Token Details

Token Name - BeLL
Title - Bell
Symbol - BeLL
Platform -ERC20
Total BeLL Token Supply - 100,000,000BeLL
Token for Sale in ICO - 30,000,000BeLL (30% of the total)
Soft Cap - $5,000,000
Hard Cap -$30,000,000

Distribution of Tokens is as follow:

Token User Cases



For more information, please visit:


Author: Deltharist22
Eth Address: 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318


Bugün kripto para birimi döviz borsası, ortalama bir kullanıcının yapabileceği bir işlem olmadığı için dijital varlık satın almanın tek yoludur. Ancak, her gün dijital varlık alım / satımında milyarlarca ciro elde etmek için çok çeşitli piyasa kullanıcılarının erişebilmesi bile yeterlidir. Borsadan varlık satın alan, satan veya çeken herkes ona bir kar ödeyerek sonuçlanan bir komisyon öder. Bu kar çok önemlidir, yılda milyarlarca dolar olarak tahmin edilmektedir, ancak maalesef bu para bizi geçmektedir, topluluk veya kârın% harcamasını nereye harcayacağına karar veren kullanıcılar değil, borsa yöneticileri karar verir, elbette, işletme ne diyecekleri.
Bununla birlikte, kripto para birimi kullanım ideallerinde ademi merkeziyetçilik, kullanıcıların gücü ve diğer ideallerin bir nedeni, kullanıcı ve dijital varlıklar arasındaki tek bağlantı elemanında temsil edilmeyen bir varsayım vardır. .
BeLL DEX tamamen yeni ve benzersiz bir iş fikri ile şifreli bir değişimdir. DEX (merkezi olmayan değişim) başlı başına kullanıcı için daha fazla özgürlük anlamına gelir, ancak BeLL DEX kullanıcıya hizmet etme arzusunda daha da ileri gitti. Bu değişim karının% 100'ünü platform belirteçleri arasında dağıtacak.
BeLL DEX ve kullanıcılara elde edilen gelirin% 100'ü 
, daha önce de belirtildiği gibi, kripto kuşlarının çok yüksek bir geliri var, ama ya bu gelirin bir parçası olma şansınız olsaydı? Borsa çalışır, belirteçleri tutarsınız ve borsa faaliyetlerinden gelir elde edersiniz, iyi bir pasif gelir ve bu durumda, kârdan bir pay alma hakkı veren tokenin kendisinin daha pahalı olacağı göz önüne alındığında, bu gerçekten dikkate değerdir.
BeLL DEX'ten Yenilikler 
Normal kalıpları kıran bir projeden, diğer ilginç önerileri bekleyebilirsiniz, bu durumda BeLL umutları tamamen haklı çıkarır.
BELL sigortası
Cüzdanınıza erişim için verileri unuttuysanız ve bunları hatırlayamıyorsanız, bu durumda, eğer BELL sigorta primleri düzenli olarak ödenirse kaybedilen fonları iade edecektir.
Grup hesap sahipliği
Birkaç kişinin ve hatta tüm kuruluşların fonlarının tek bir hesapta depolandığı, bu durumda yalnızca bir kişinin kendisine erişebildiği ve büyük olduğu ve fonların tam sahibi ve yöneticisi olduğu açıktır. Hesabın grup sahipliği sayesinde, hesapla işlem yapmak için hesapla ilişkili tüm kullanıcıların katılımı gerekir.
% 100 kullanıcı geliri
Daha önce bahsedilen en önemli yenilik, kârın kullanıcılarının hesaplarına dağıtılmasıdır. Aslında, değişim kullanıcı adına çalışır ve alınan tüm karı ona verir.
Gelirlerin sigorta primlerinden, işlem ücretlerinden alınması planlanmaktadır.
BELL Token 
Exchange'in karının bir kısmını almanın yolunda asıl şart olan kendi simgesi olacak.
Toplam tutar 100.000.000 BeLL
Satılık 30,000,000 BeLL
Belirteç Ethereum'a dayanıyor ve ERC-20 standardına ait.
Belirteçlerin dağılım şeması şöyle görünecektir:
% 50'si sigorta fonuna gidecek
% 30 satılacak
% 20 lütuf ve uçakla gidecek
Şu anda, proje platformunu başlatmak için fon toplama aşamasında, asgari ücret hedefi 5 milyon dolar, maksimum 30 milyon dolar olarak belirlendi.
Tüm geliri platform belirteçlerinin sahiplerine verme sözü verildiğinde, azami fon sağlama hedefinin bile çok hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleştirileceği varsayılabilir.
Zaten bu yılın Mart ayında, proje, herhangi birisine satın alma fırsatı sağlamak için borsa kartını diğer borsalarda doldurma sözü veriyor.
Proje, topluma her belirteç sahibinin bir şekilde platformun ortak sahibi olacağı ve gelir elde edebileceği yenilikçi bir iş modeli sunmaktadır. Bir değişim henüz kullanıcılara böyle bir yaklaşım göstermedi, BeLL'in başarılı olacağını umuyoruz.
Proje ile bağlantı 

İletişim Bilgilerim
Yazar: Deltharist22
Eth: 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318


The Fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is an enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world.
Because of the access to the internet we are able to get information about one of the most incredible crypto-project which is known as Bell wallet
BeLL Wallet creates the final form of ‘wallet’ which helps manage assets in a way that is 100% secure. BeLL Wallet aims to be ‘the most convenient and secure wallet in the world.’ BeLL Wallet makes continuous updates on its features:
Wallet with Insurance Features
Use of Bell Tokens
Joint Ownership of Wallet
Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
Asset Transfer Protocol
Original Token Issuance
To provide BeLLCoin holders some of the biggest benefits of blockchain technology including DLT (distributed ledger technology) and P2P autonomous network in their everyday lives, BeLL Wallet came up with the solution of developing the BeLL DEX that the society appreciates, sharing its profit with all the participants.
To develop the DEX that BeLLCoin holders appreciate
To provide user support by all BeLLCoin holders
To establish the truly decentralized society with all BeLLCoin holders
The above three are fundamental policies of BeLL and by combining these three, BeLL Wallet keeps developing the legitimate DEX that users genuinely appreciate.
The Features of BeLL Wallet
BeLL Wallet is a DEX, insured wallet. When you are unable to access your wallet in a situation like forgetting or losing your password, the insurance will cover this situation. And all your assets will be returned to you. BeLL Wallet enables you to avoid this risk and ensures that your assets are safely protected in the wallet.
Joint Ownership
In BeLL Wallet, there is an option to have joint ownership in a single account. In this setting, to withdraw your assets, it requires to get verified from all approved users you assigned. If a corporate body manages cryptocurrency assets, one person’ s decision can allow transitions of assets in general digital wallets and exchange accounts, which carries various risks.
Seamless Transition of Assets
Wallet owners can set up their wallet with specified conditions. For example, when something unexpected happens to the wallet owner, multiple approved users, such as family members, loved ones or colleagues, can access the wallet on behalf of the main owner.
BeLL wallet is a decentralized wallet which is insured against loss of assets in a scenario where you are unable to access your wallet for whatever reason.
Mandatory Requirements regarding Insurance:
Twitter, Telegram and Facebook accounts are necessary when creating a BeLL Wallet account. A direct message from all account must be sent to verify your identity when applying the BeLL Wallet insurance coverage.
Image verification is required. Please upload an image when you create a BeLL Wallet account. The same image must be uploaded each time you apply for the BeLL Wallet insurance coverage.
Insurance Fees
This amount will be automatically deducted on the first day of each month.
Assets Under $ 100,000
100LL or 0.05ETH / month
Assets Under $ 500,000
500BLL or 0.3ETH / month
Assets Under $ 1,000,000
1,000BLL or 0.7ETH / month
BeLL Tokenomics
BeLL platform operates a tokenized ecosystem. The official token has the ticker “BeL”L. The total supply of BeLL tokens is 100,000,000 and 30% of that will be put up for sale during the ICO while 20% has been allocated to airdrops and bounty programs.
Token Details
Token Name - BeLL
Title - Bell
Symbol - BeLL
Platform -ERC20
Total BeLL Token Supply - 100,000,000BeLL
Token for Sale in ICO - 30,000,000BeLL (30% of the total)
Soft Cap - $5,000,000
Hard Cap -$30,000,000
Distribution of Tokens is as follow:
Token User Cases
For more information, please visit:

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2018


The aibb platform is built on its own algorithms NLU, NLP and ML, which work with all modules.
AiBB provides a solution in a rich cryptocurrency ecosystem where access to information is simple but effective with thousands of conflicting and time-consuming information sources, wallets, coins and exchanges is much more difficult.

Assistant AiBB Ai Prototype runs on, with NLU, NLP and our own proprietary algorithm, which works across all modules of your application. It looks, listens and learns contextually - a reliable improvement over bot-like AI applications to ensure data operability. AI supports three levels of AiBB: application, sharing and AI, which work with thousands of modules to collect and analyze thousands of information points and centralize them so that they are available to users instantly and everywhere at any time.

AiBB believes that new investors are entering the space all the time, but are often doing so without the information they need to make good investment decisions and that which impacts market growth.

AiBB facilitates more growth in the cryptocurrency market by combining reliable trading data, news, security and education. AiBB is a first aid application AI installed that will grow fully decentralized platform, multiple functions and eliminates the need to trust the third party application as a whole. Users will be able to make transactions through some of the most liquid and secure cryptocurrency exchanges, preventing the destabilization that can occur when the exchange is forced to absorb a large-scale transaction.

AI aibb assistant is designed to understand the full context of a user request. With the help of end-to-end search, filtering, analysis and response generation system, AiBB is able to provide actionable response to the user. AI assistant works differently than a bot. It actively collects data and provides users with information before users complete or complete a task.

This process is carried out through a combination of centralization and decentralized technologies ensuring remains secure with minimal delay.

The data collection system uses its own algorithms, performs in-depth analysis and presents information in the format of the action. This gives a unique advantage: AiBB saves time by providing accurate, up-to-date information from thousands of data sources. It's not that access to unlimited information, but also access the right information at the right time make informed decisions.

Official website:
BitcoinTalk ANN:
BitcoinTalk Bounty:

The Company is selected by Deltharist22
My Profile BitcoinTalk:;u=1991153

Energy Features

Energy Features

(Energy feature)

Future energy is cryptocurrency mining that will cut the cryptocurrency digital currency mining costs, heating up costs that will be spent using the latest non-traditional power sources. using this latest resource will have an operational component 0. Future Energy is the first and the latest. 
The problem is that the miners have increasingly expensive electricity costs. but with future technology (Energy Fiture) will cut electricity costs by using non-traditional electricity sources. say if the ASIC Revolution used to mine bitcoin will end with Future Energy. Future energy will make chip production impossible because the chips embedded in ASIC have very high electrical pressures so miners have to spend more money to pay for electricity.

This will result in Chip merchandise trading, which means they get modest profits on various markets or can be a sudden decline. To benefit, producers will be forced to concentrate on mass production, so producers will benefit from volume. Therefore all producers focus on mass production rather than focusing on technological progress. The occurrence of a very significant transition to equipment will make the race begin to make future technology with a tendency not to have a very large level of financing. Seen on ASIC devices that have very high supply power and this is the biggest obstacle for miners who mine bitcoin.

With greatness, Future Energy will show its fangs in front of a global race that has no competitors from any platform. 
And with zero costs will be applied when Future Energy invests in one of the largest energy plants that will be carried out further construction. 
With the energy generation that has been built by Future Energy will produce a green energy source that can be used free of charge with no time in 40 years of his life. 

Why choose Future Energy ??

• This project has a lot of patented development with great confidence to produce free green energy sources. please click the link below to find out what development will be done. Link

• Future Energy has long developed the project. viewed from the website, they claimed that since 2014 this project had been carried out, the computing power was 9.6ph by SHA256 since the project was created. 

• The chosen team is scientists who are very clever in blockchain fields like ethereum and others. not playing around in choosing a team even world-renowned professors involved in the Future Energy project.

Conclusion of Future Energy

Token Information
The sign of this Future Energy Token is ethereum-based FGY. This token is only used as a hosting fee in the cryptocurrency field. The following is the ICO launch schedule
 tokens will be available for purchase within 60 days from 01/11/2018 to 12/31/2018. 
 tokens will be available for purchase within 90 days from 01/01/2019 to 03/31/2019. 
Soft cover (pre ICO) 500 ETH. 
Hard stamp (pre ICO) 1,500 ETH. 
Soft cover (ICO) 12,500 ETH. 
Hard cap (ICO) of 50,000 ETH.
Price per token when a problem: 
equivalent to   ETH 0.0035   to   0.005 ETH   , depending on the date of purchase.
Payment method : 
Ethereum (ETH)

Future Energy Team

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2018


Merhaba değerli arkadaşlar bugün sizlere bir yenilikten bahsetmek istiyorum. Blockchain teknolojisi, kamu ve özel sektörlere ölçülebilir ve ölçülebilir faydalar sağlayan yeni iş modelleri yaratma potansiyeline sahiptir. Modern toplumun ticari altyapısı, en değerli varlıkların bilgi olduğu en büyük pazarları desteklemek için büyüdü. Blockchain'in geleceği, hepsine hükmedecek bir ağ değil, aynen internet gibi bir çok bloklu ağdır.

Elektronik para, bugün her yerde en son vızıltıdır. İlk elektronik para her yanlış finansal uzmanı kanıtladığı için Bitcoin büyük bir başarı olmuştur. Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT), gelişen teknolojilerden biridir.

Athero protokolü, temel zorlukları ele almayı, ürünün akıllı zincirlerindeki verilerin uzmanlık alışverişini ve bütünlüğünü sınırlamayı amaçlamaktadır.
Athero hakkında
Athero, geliştirilmekte ve iş ve pazar uygulamaları için özel olarak tasarlanmış ve optimize edilmiş yeni bir blockchain protokolüdür. Athero'yu kullanarak, tüm paydaşlar verilerini güvenle paylaşabilir ve hassas verileri her zaman şifrelenmiş halde tutabilirler. Athero bir şirket değil, bir ekosistemdir. Athero teknolojisi, blockchain ağlarını Internet'e daha çok benzetir.

Athero, interneti genişletip büyütebilen, gerçekten küresel bir blockchain sınıfı oluşturmak için daha küçük, çeşitli ağları birbirine bağlayacak. Athero, herkese açık, blockchain tabanlı, merkezi olmayan, dağıtık ve ekonomik olarak sağlam bir bilgi işlem platformudur. İki gelişmiş teknolojiyi - Blockchain ve Nesnelerin İnterneti'ni birleştirerek, Athero, yüksek oranda ölçeklenebilir ve güvenli bir elektronik para ekosistemi sağlar.

ICO ve Ön-ICO Hakkında
Satış Jetonu
Başladı: 20 Eylül 2018, Cumartesi, 11:00 (GMT)
Bitiş tarihi: 20 Ocak 2019, Cuma, saat 11:00 (GMT)
Yumuşak kapak: 18.000.000 $
Kamu ICO satışı başlayacak:
20 Eylül 2018, Cumartesi, saat 11:00. Kamu ICO satışları sona erecek: 15 Ocak 2019, Cuma, saat 11:00 (GMT).
Kamu satışı 4 ay boyunca satışa sunulacak.

Takım Hakkında:

Projenin yol haritası

Ocak 2017

Athero fikrini ve ana işlevini yaratın. Bu fikirden nasıl değer katabileceğimizi belirtin.

Nisan 2017

Hipotezimizi test etmek ve gerçek sonuçlara bakmak için ekip oluşturma ve geliştirme

Ağustos 2017

Geliştirme planını ve stratejik planlamayı genişleterek, uygulama planını kilometre taşlarını temel alarak güçlendirmek.

Kasım 2017

ICO'ya hazırlanmak için yapı ve ayarlarda danışmanlar ve yasal gruplar ile bağlantı kurun.

Ocak 2018

Sistemin gelişimi üzerinde çalışmak ve bu yapının tam donanımlı olmasını sağlamak için belirteç. Bir lisans ve önemli bir lisans almak için hedefliyoruz.

Mayıs 2018

Özel ICO satışlarını başlatır ve işlemleri kolaylaştırmak için ekibi genişletir. Tartışma ve potansiyel ortaklıklar için ilgili gruplara danışın.

Eylül 2018

İlk ortaklığı oluşturdu. Akıllı şehir konseptine odaklan, ilk prototip. Yarı kamu ICO'yu başlat ve gelecekteki takımı genişlet.

Web sitesi:
ETH : 0x34ed050D43832fb4582C0bDF266906294fd86dCc


How to rate an ICO

An ICO is an Initial Coin Offering and it has been taking the crypto world by storm. It is similar to an IPO, but exclusive to the cryptoverse.

Many start-ups are usingICOs as a means to raise funds to bring their projects to life. This could be anything from hiring new team members to having a bigger budget for research and development.

When deciding whether to invest in an ICO there are many factors to take into consideration. Throughout this article, I will be delving deeper into those factors.

I will also be publishing an article in the next week, exploring why influencers rate projects differently, what they gain from it and when you can also gain.

How to rate an ICO

These are the main components you should look into when deciding whether or not to part with your hard earned money!

1. Team:
“Behind every great man is a great woman..” — a saying we have been accustomed to hearing over the years, and is full of truth!

With any idea or project, the analogy is exactly the same; it is extremely unlikely that you will have a successful project/ICO if the team behind it is not great.

Deciding if a team is great or not, is quite a subjective view, but here are a few pointers to help make it more objective:
  • Does the team member have any real previous experience that is relevant to the project? I.e. if it is an ICO who’s USP is data analytics on the Blockchain, does the CTO (Chief Technical Officer) or COO (Chief Operating Officer) have experience working for a well-known company as a data analyst, or if they are building their own Blockchain, do they have enough developers?
  • Does the team have a good balance?

I have seen some teams who have a plethora of experience within the corporate world and have worked for companies like IBM; Mercedes; KPMG; but they are launching their own protocol and only have one developer. The likelihood that they will be able to launch their product is highly unlikely.

The other side of the coin is that you could have a very young team, fresh out of university with lots of ideas but just not industry ready. Do you write off this ICO? Of course not!

The exuberance of youth is raw and untamed, and with the right set of advisors (guidance) they may just be the next Ethereum!

1. Idea
Great teams tend to get behind great ideas, so if you have researched the team and they are solid, rest assured, the idea will be solid as well.

In the majority of cases, we look at the idea before we look at the team. Whilst most established ICOs have a marketing team that can sell ice to an eskimo, you have to be able to wade your way through the fancy terminology (BS!) and get and understanding of what the project is actually doing. If it is doing one of the following then you could be onto something:

· Does is solve a genuine problem?

· Does it need the Blockchain?

· Will it actuallydisrupt a centralized authority?

· Is it innovative?

· What is the potential of the idea?

· Are there ICOs like this within the space already?

· If yes to the above, then: how is it different to those ICOs? Does it have improved features? Or is it just a copy & paste idea?

The more the number of yes answers you have, the more likely the project will succeed (in the short term at the very least).

1. MVP
The number of ICOs being released weekly is crazy, and there certainly isn’t enough time for you to go through each one (unless you have a very large team working with you). Therefore, another way that can help identify an ICO with good potential is if it has a minimum viable product, an MVP.

To those unfamiliar with the term, an MVP is a product with enough features to satisfy the initial investors, and provide feedback for future development.

With this in mind, it is much more likely that a team with an MVP can reach the milestones on their roadmap quicker and thus launch a fully functioning product sooner. This in turn means the native token to that platform will be in use and the price will go up based on actual demand, not hype or manipulation by whales.

It is not always the case that only projects with MVPs turn out to be profitable. Those with a solid community or established partners can also have the same desired effect {we will revisit this later in the article}.

1.Token Metrics
Whilst each of these factors has an equal importance, they are in order for a reason (there is a method to my madness); we started with the most subjective section and worked our way to the most objective section.

Being a mathematician by trade, this is the section that I personally most enjoy researching and seeing if a project is worth investing in purely through the numbers.

As with any project within this space, decentralization must also occur by having many different investors and supporters holding the majority of the tokens.

As time has progressed in this space, token metrics to the standard investor have gotten a little interesting to say the least!

With earlier projects there were only 3 main rounds: Seed round, private sale/pre-ICO and then ICO, where the bonus percentage was consistent for each round. Unfortunately this is no longer the case, with many ICOs opting to go for more complex fundraising structures to maximize funds raised and minimize bonuses given out.

There are now at least 4 different stages, and within each stage, there are bonuses depending on the amount to be invested.

This makes it extremely difficult to work out the bonus for each round of fund raising and increases the likelihood of a ‘Pump and Dump’ from early contributors as soon as the token is released to an exchange.

In general, when analyzing the token metrics these are the things to look out for:
  1. What is the price of the token?
  2. What percentages of tokens are being sold?
  3. What is the hard cap, and is this in line with similar projects?
  4. What kind of bonuses was given in the earlier rounds?
  5. Are bonus tokens from earlier rounds locked up? (to avoid a pump and dump).
  6. How many tokens are there for the team?
  7. How long are the team’s tokens locked up for?
  8. If the hard cap isn’t met, will they still split the raised capital in the same ratio?
  9. Will the token have an actualuse within the platform/project?
  10. Does the split of raised funds make sense, e.g. If the project is at alpha/beta testing and they claim that 30% is going to R&D then it is most likely that they have an MVP at best and will need that large amount of funds to further develop their MVP to alpha/beta stage.

If I can answer these questions and the numbers add up, then there is a good chance that I will part with my hard earned money to invest. (Given sections 1–3 are also solid).

Other factors:

1. Community
A large community doesn’t always mean an awesome investment, there are projects with over 30k members in their Telegram channel, most of whom have heard a project mentioned by an influencer and flocked to see how they can make millions without doing their due diligence.

Having said that, if a community has organically grown and hasn’t need heavy marketing; advertising or shilling from an influencer, than a large number is a good number.

Not all successful projects have a large community at ICO stage. There have been a few ICOs in stealth mode, who have relied heavily on early contributors and genuine believers in the project, instead of those looking for a quick flip.

1. Competition
With over 5 Billion USD raised in 2018 through ICOs, many people are seeing this as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme and are launching ICOs very similar to established projects whose tokens have gone up at least 100 times in value.

If a project is a copy paste or extremely similar with no distinct differences to a different/more established project, be careful!

If a project doesn’t have any serious competition, pay more attention and do your due diligence.

1. Type of Project
There are many types of projects ranging from those who want to build a Dapp on top of a Blockchain, to those wanting to build Blockchains themselves.

Think of it like this: would you rather invest in the app store itself, or one of the apps within that store? Of course the app store!

That is why it is a smarter investment to look at projects that are building an infrastructure (Blockchain, Protocol, DAO) as opposed to an app.

Also, some established Blockchains have some issues like scaling, security, etc. These would also be smart investments as they are solving a ‘now’ problem.

1. Partnerships
Projects who have genuinepartnerships with established companies/cryptocurrencies are more likely to become successful as many of the communities will adopt this project and invest in it, as they believe in the companies that have chosen to partner with a specific ICO. This could be because of hype (see below) or a specific partnership causing a breakout in the price and usage of that specific token.

1. Hype
Every now and again comes along a project, which takes the cryptoverse by storm. Main reasons are down to wide spread exposure of the project by different influencers; the project solves an actual problem and people believe that it will take them “to the moon”.

It is true that hyped projects do really well once the tokens hit the exchange and give many of the early investorsa good return, the same cannot always be said for those who invested during the crowd sale, or bought as soon the token was released onto an exchange.

Therefore, Hype is always good if you got in early, as with the bonus you will most likely make a handsome return. In addition to this, many of the influencers are like shepherds; moving the masses to believe that a specific project will shake up the space and they would be crazy not to miss out, causing the token to be over valued as soon as it’s released on the exchange as their followers have increased levels of FOMO (fear of missing out).

I hope this article has given you a better understanding of just how much time and effort is needed to analyze the true potential of an ICO, and that when you are investing your hard earned money, you need to be more careful and not go in gung ho because the people/influencers you follow on YouTube and around social media have said it’s an amazing project or given it a very high rating.

The solution is to come up with your own rating structure; it could be a percentage, a total out of 10, or just a list of pros and cons of each project. DYOR (do your own research) and invest at your own peril!

Money is there to made, but just for those who work hard and do the correct due diligence (or sometimes just damn lucky!).

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 Bitcointalk username: Deltharist22

 DISCLAIMER:This post was brought to you by Deltharist22 being my personal project on Africunia campaign project